I love everything about wedding toasts! The laughter, the tears, the hugs, and sometimes the surprises that toast proposers come up with to delight the bride and groom at the reception are all so different from one wedding to the next. Not only does it keep me on my toes to be able to capture these moments, but it also gives me the opportunity to share with you what sets apart a GREAT toast from one that fails to hit the mark (or goes on waaaaay too long and becomes a snooze fest!)
Ready for my top five tips? Read on…

KISS (Keep it Short & Sweet!): Aim for 3-5 minutes, and don’t forget to introduce yourself to the guests. Bonus points if you let the wedding photographer know what to expect from your toast so they can capture any antics, visual props, and other participants that may be joining in!
Know Your Audience: If you’re close enough to the couple that you’re delivering a toast, chances are you have plenty of stories to tell. Just remember…jokes are great but keep it classy! Don’t forget what this day is all about. There may be older family members, children, and pastors present that the bride and groom would like to look in the eye for the rest of the reception!
Practice: It never hurts to give your toast a run through out loud, in front of a mirror, or in front of friends. With the convenience of smartphones, you have the ability to see your whole script, but wouldn’t it be nice to be able to look up to connect and speak directly to your friends as well?
Personalize it: Share a heartfelt story or memory and share how the couple has influenced you that others may not know.

Cheers! 🥂 Once you’ve finished, wrap it up by raising your glass by the stem, and say something like this: “Let’s raise our glasses and send our well wishes to the newly-married couple, Ali and Tom. Cheers!”
Good luck and speak from your heart! That way, you’ll never go wrong.